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AAS Executive Statement on Gaza July 2024

Published on 7/19/2024

AAS Executive Statement in support of a ceasefire in Gaza and the right of students to peaceful protest

We, the Executive Committee of the Australian Anthropological Society, stand with humanity in condemning violence against civilians wherever it occurs throughout the world. As anthropologists committed to pursuing and practically applying knowledge about human social and cultural experience, we stand for and champion the human capacity for understanding, openness, and peaceful conflict resolution.

We therefore condemn the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians and the continuing assault by Israel on Gaza, with its atrocious cost in civilian lives, and call for an immediate ceasefire. We call upon both Israel and Hamas to abide by international law, to seek non-violent means to end the current conflict, including the release of all hostages, and to take genuine steps towards a respectful dialogue of coexistence in recognition of the longstanding and continuing cultural ties to the region of both Palestinians and Israelis. Similarly, we uphold that Israel should abide by international law in protecting the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank, including their right to life and property without encroachment and intimidation.

While we note with alarm the increased incidence of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Australia in the wake of the Gaza conflict, including on university campuses, we uphold the right of students to engage in peaceful protest without intimidation or threats of punitive action, including in relation to university funding sources, investments and research partnerships. In times of social division, it is more important than ever that Australian universities remain islands of free speech and robust debate, even when such debate risks causing offence. The long history of anthropology shows that the best antidote to misinformation, disinformation, ignorance, and prejudice is to build understanding by listening openly and honestly to each other. We call on colleagues across the universities to respect this cardinal principle.

Click here to view other Executive Committee Statements.