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HomeAbout the AAS



Founded in 1973, the Australian Anthropological Society (AAS) is a member-based association committed to representing the profession of anthropology in Australia. As the largest anthropological association in Australia, the AAS represents a diverse membership of professionals, researchers, students and others with an interest in anthropology.

The objectives of the Society are:

  • to advance anthropology as a professional discipline grounded in the systematic pursuit of knowledge and to promote its responsible use in the service of humankind
  • to promote professional training, knowledge sharing, and practice in anthropology.

The multi-faceted goals of the Society have led to a vibrant and engaged community of anthropologists, including scholars, industry practitioners and students.

The Society recognises that anthropological work is broad in scope and includes academic research, teaching, consultancies, industry engagements, advocacy, activism and public commentary.

Membership is open to anyone interested in anthropology.

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AAS Activities

The AAS seeks to advance anthropology through a range of activities, including the annual AAS Conference, editing the Society’s flagship journal The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA), sharing knowledge and disseminating information though the Monthly e-Bulletin and the website Noticeboard, and promoting the work and activities of anthropologists through various communication and media channels (follow us on Twitter and Instagram).

The Society supports the activities of its members through a range of initiatives, including grant and funding opportunities, providing access to AAS Forums, supporting thematic and collaborative networks and initiatives, such as the Curatorium, and offering discounts on registration for the annual conference and TAJA subscriptions.

The support of student and early career anthropologists is a particular focus of the AAS, reflected in the annual thesis and article prizes and the Society’s ongoing support of the affiliated Australian Network of Student Anthropologists (ANSA).


The AAS is an incorporated association and is bound by its Constitution, which outlines the Society’s structure and functions concerning its membership, governance, meetings, and activities. Although the AAS cannot govern the behaviour of its members, they agree to abide by the Code of Ethics upon application and acceptance as members of the Society.

An Executive Committee of seven elected directors manages the affairs of the Society. The Executive Committee works closely with and supervises the functions performed by the (part time) AAS Administrator. Other office bearers include the Public Officer, the Editor of The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA), and the Chairperson of the Australian Network of Student Anthropologists (ANSA).

The Executive Committee, along with the Administrator, the ANSA Chairperson and TAJA Editor meet formally four times each year. The AAS Annual General Meeting (AGM) is usually held in December of each year, during the annual conference.


Meet the committee directors and other office bearers working behind the scenes


The Constitution outlines the governance and membership structure of the AAS


The Code of Ethics provides ethical guidelines for anthropological practice


The AAS is a member of the World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) and the Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS).

The Society acknowledges the ongoing support and assistance from the Australian National University School of Anthropology and Archaeology.