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AAS 2022 Distinguished Lecture, with Kathleen Butler

Christopher Marcatili | Published on 11/2/2022
This year's AAS Distinguished Lecture will be by Associate Professor Kathleen Butler, Head of Institute of Wollotuka Institute at the University of Newcastle.

The final day of events migrate the conference and the AAS Distinguished Lecture to Melbourne city to coincide with the opening of the Council of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) Congress (27th Nov–2nd Dec). 

Kathleen Fitzpatrick Theatre,
Level B1, Room B01
Arts West Building (West Wing)
University of Melbourne

Kathleen is a Bundjalung and Worimi woman and an esteemed Indigenous academic. Her research interests include Indigenisation in teaching and learning and she has been involved in numerous strategic teaching and learning projects, as well as having won three awards for community engagement.

For more on the event, go to our AAS Conference Programme.